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Stones of Wonder - Bibliography |
The bibliography for Stones of Wonder, an online guide to prehistoric alignments in Scotland. | |
BibliographyAshmore, P. Maes Howe HMSO, Edinburgh, undated guide. Aveni, A. Empires of Time Basic Books, New York, 1989. Barber, J. The Excavation of the holed-stone at Ballymeanoch, Kilmartin, Argyll in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland # 109, 1977-8. Barnatt, J. and Pierpoint, S. Stone Circles : Observatories or Ceremonial Centres in Scottish Archaeological Review # 2, part 2, 1983. Boyle Somerville, H. Prehistoric Monuments in the Outer Hebrides, and their Astronomical Significance in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute # 42, 1912. Burgess, C. The Chronology of Cup and Cup-and-Ring marks in Atlantic Europe in Rev. Archeol. Ouest, Suppl. No. 2, 1990. Burl, A. The Stone Circles of the British Isles Yale, 1976. Burl, A. and Piper, E. Rings of Stone Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1979. Burl, A. Prehistoric Astronomy and Ritual Shire, 1983. Campbell, J.W. and Thomson, D. Edward Lhuyd in the Scottish Highlands 1699 - 1700 Oxford, 1963. Close-Brooks, J. The Highlands Exploring Scotland's Heritage Series, HMSO Edinburgh, 1986. Cowie, T.G. Excavations at Kintraw, Argyll, 1979 in Glasgow Archaeological Journal # 7, 1980. Davidson, N. Astronomy and the Imagination RKP, London, 1985. Farrer, J. Maes Howe : Notice of Runic Inscriptions Edinburgh, 1862. Hadingham, E. Circles and Standing Stones Abacus, London, 1978. Haggarty, A. Machrie Moor, Arran : recent excavations at two stone circles in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland # 121, 1991. Harman, M. and Ritchie, G. Argyll and the Western Isles Exploring Scotland's Heritage Series, HMSO, Edinburgh, 1985. Hawkins, G. Callanish, A Scottish Stonehenge Science # 147, 1965. Heggie, D.C. (ed) Archaeoastronomy in the old world Cambridge, 1982. Henshall, A. S. The chambered tombs of Scotland Edinburgh University Press, 2 vols 1963 and 1972. Hutchison, A.F. The Standing stones and other rude monuments of Stirling district in Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Antiquarian Society # 15, 1893. Mackie, E.W. Duntreath in Current Archaeology # 36, 1973. Mackie, E.W. Scotland - an Archaeological Guide Faber and Faber, London, 1975. Mackie, E.W. Science and Society in prehistoric Britain Elek, London, 1977. Mackie, E.W., Gladwin, P.F. and Roy, A.E. A prehistoric calendrical site in Argyll? in Nature vol. 314, pages 158-161, 14.3.1985. McNeill, F.M. The Silver Bough Canongate, 1956. Martin, M. A Description of the Western Isles of Scotland 1703 (Republished by Aeneas Mackay, Stirling, 1934). Martlew, R. and Ruggles, C. Ardnacross (Kilninian and Kilmore parish) Stone Rows, cairns in Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1990. Martlew, R. and Ruggles, C. Ardnacross, Mull (Kilninian and Kilmore parish) Stone Rows, cairns in Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1991. Michell, J. A little history of Astro-archaeology Thames and Hudson, updated edition 1989. Piggott, S. Excavations in passage-graves and ring-cairns of the Clava group 1952-3 in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland # 88, 1954-56. Ponting, M.R. and Curtis, G.R. Mini Guide to Prehistoric Harris (1). Callanish, 1988. Ponting, G and Ponting, M. The stones around Callanish Stornoway, 1984. Renfrew, C. Before Civilization Pelican, 1976. Ridpath, I. Star Tales Lutterworth Press, 1988. Ruggles, C.L.N. Megalithic Astronomy : a new archaeological and statistical study of 300 western Scottish sites B.A.R. # 123, 1984. Ruggles, C.L.N. and Whittle, A.W.R. (eds) Astronomy and Society in Britain during the period 4000-1500BC BAR # 88, 1981. Scott, J.G. The Stone Circles at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll in Glasgow Archaeological Journal # 15, 1989. Shepherd, I Grampian Exploring Scotland's Heritage Series, HMSO Edinburgh, 1986. Spence, M. Standing Stones and Maeshowe of Stenness Paisley, 1894. Thom, A. Megalithic Sites in Britain O.U.P. Oxford, 1967. Thom, A. Megalithic Lunar Observatories O.U.P. Oxford, 1971. Thom., A., and Thom, A.S. A Megalithic Lunar Observatory in Orkney in Journal for the History of Astronomy, # 4, 1973 Thom, A. and Thom A.S. The Standing Stones in Argyllshire in Glasgow Archaeological Journal # 6, 1979. Thom, A., Thom, A.S. and Burl, A. Megalithic Rings BAR # 81, 1980. Thom, A., Thom, A.S. and Burl, A. Stone Rows and Standing Stones BAR International Series # 560, 1990. Updike, J. Odd Jobs - Essays and Criticism Andre Deutsch , London, 1991. Walker, W. (ed) Astronomy before the telescope British Museum Press, London, 1996 Young, A. Report on standing stones and other remains, near Fowlis Wester, Perthshire in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland # 177, 1943.